I began having ideas for movies and TV shows swirl around in my head for a few decades. As more and more ideas began to materialize, I came to the daunting realization that I either needed to begin the process of getting these ideas out of my head or I was going to run out of space for normal day-to-day thoughts. Like remembering my name. Or what El Diablo likes the most from Taco Bell.

Stuff for the Big Screen

My first foray into screenwriting for the big screen is an idea close to my heart, having lived in the suburbs for essentially my entire life, in one city or another. Next, I’ve been working on a script that pulls from my love of music, and the visceral response I have when I see washed up glam bands from the 80’s perform and wonder “what if these guys had figured out a way to bounce back after grunge?”

Read more about what inspired these two ideas by clicking below.

Man Card

Man Card tells the tale of a group of guys have lost their way and become conditioned to become mired in a typical suburban conformist existence surrounded by wives and children who tolerate but in many ways disrespect them for the soft, predictable people they have become.

I’ve spent my adult life trying to avoid getting sucked into this trap, and have witnessed many a good man fall victim to suburban douchebaggery.

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Power Ballad

Remember those glorious CD compilations you could buy that feature nothing but Power Ballads? Have you ever wondered why that monster format had to die along with glam rock when alternative rock buried that over-mascara’d form of music?

Power Ballad is an epic tale of glam rock glory. Strökker is on the path to great success when the their career comes to a screeching halt when Nirvana flips the music industry script. The band is so close to massive commercial success that the can’t handle the loss, and 20 years later they are still struggling to return to glory. At the cusp of finally throwing in the spandex for good, a series of fortunate events gives them one last opportunity for them, and the Power Ballad, to shine!

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TV series concepts

The idea faucet has flowing nonsense through my brain has kicked out some TV ideas as well. Several are very early in development and will be added later. But, for now El Diablo has coaxed me to share one that may be somewhat, um, polarizing.

Jumping For Jesus

I grew up going to church, and actively belong to a church now. The vibe from these churches are extremely different. The one I went to as a child (and many I have seen since before settling on my current church) was really, really good at collecting money, focusing on important things like the color of new carpets and being judgmental. Rarely did they do any community donations let alone sacrificed time and energy for service work or mission trips.

Sadly, these types of churches are all too prevalent. So, I thought it would be great to poke fun at “high and mighty” with a show about a church fundraiser, called Jumping for Jesus, the goes awry – all the while exposing the dark secrets of those who use bible babble and judgment to belittle others into submission.

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